
Katherine Boyer;  Denton, TX; Retired Library Director

This book, or manual, as it is referred to by the author, should be a gift to all high school and college students.  I wish I had had it when I first started out.  It is well written, concise and very informative.  

At one point he says, “Once you have decided on your goals, it would be a great idea to write them down and review them regularly.” This is wonderful advice for all of young people’s goals in all aspects of their lives.

Lewis gives excellent information on how to plan for your future starting out in life.  He does it in a manner that is not preachy or condescending, but is straight to the point.  He presents young people values that they can and should follow to have a future that is debt free and gives them ideas on how to be prepared for retirement – something teens think they have all the time in the world to plan for.  

He uses very interesting concepts to illustrate his points.  He asks his readers to visualize a bathtub filling up, and then draining out.  Controlling the flow of the water (income and expenses) is the key to a successful financial future.     Lewis’ advice to young adults is sound and based on the tried and true.  His book describes tenants that young adults just starting out can use in several aspects of their lives.  It will give them a great basis for a secure future.